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Are you worried about the risks associated with Chao pinhole surgical technique? Don’t be. This minimally invasive procedure is a safe and effective way to treat gum recession, which can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Chao pinhole surgical technique (PST), discuss the potential risks and benefits, and answer some frequently asked questions about this method of treating gum recession.

What Is the Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST)?

The Chao pinhole surgical technique is a minimally invasive procedure that was developed by Dr. John C. Chao in 2008 as an alternative to traditional open flap surgeries for treating gum recession. PST is used to restore the natural appearance of a person’s smile by improving their gumline. This procedure utilizes a very small hole and special instruments in order to reposition the gums without the need for stitches or sutures.

Benefits of Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique

The primary benefit of using PST is that it requires no cutting or stitching, making it much less invasive than traditional open-flap surgery. An additional advantage is that there is minimal post-operative pain associated with PST because there are fewer incisions made during the procedure. In fact, some patients report hardly any pain after undergoing this treatment. Furthermore, since this method does not require any large incisions, the healing time is much faster than with open flap surgery.

Potential Risks of Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique

The Chao pinhole surgical technique has a very high success rate and an extremely low risk of complications. However, there are some potential risks associated with this procedure including infection, bleeding, damage to adjacent teeth and/or surrounding tissue, and numbness in the treated area. In rare cases, patients may experience allergic reactions to local anesthesia or sedation medications that are used during the procedure.


The Chao pinhole surgical technique is a safe and effective method for treating gum recession without the need for extensive cutting or stitching like traditional open flap surgeries. There are minimal risks associated with PST and most patients report little to no pain after the procedure.


Q: Does PST cause permanent damage to my teeth?

A: No, PST does not cause any permanent damage to your teeth. In fact, this method of treating gum recession can actually help protect your teeth from further damage by restoring the natural appearance of your gumline.

Q: How long will it take for me to heal after undergoing PST?

A: Generally speaking, most people heal completely within a few weeks of having the Chao pinhole surgical technique performed. However, healing times may vary depending on individual factors such as age and overall health.

Q: Are there any long-term effects associated with PST?

A: Most people experience no long-term effects after undergoing the Chao pinhole surgical technique. However, it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions for proper post-operative care in order to reduce the risk of any potential complications.


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